Auditor General highlights governance weaknesses in Wales’ Fire and Rescue Authorities

National review calls on Welsh Government and Fire and Rescue Authorities to address weaknesses in the governance model

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Welsh public services could lose up to £1 billion a year to ...

Additional resources needed to combat fraud and keep pace with the ever-changing methods of fraudsters

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Coming soon…

Our Annual Report and Accounts have just been signed-off!

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Planning services under-resourced and underperforming

Local planning authorities in Wales lack the resilience needed to deliver long-term improvements, says Auditor General

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Launch a career that counts

We have graduate and apprentice programmes available

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Plan unveiled to make the Wales Audit Office bolder and more...

New Auditor General for Wales publishes his first Annual Plan, jointly with the Wales Audit Office Board

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Waste Management in Wales

We looked at how we manage our waste in Wales

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More emphasis needed on waste prevention

Welsh Government has focused successfully on increasing recycling, but prevention should come first, says Auditor General

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‘No-deal’ Brexit planning is being ramped up, but the pictur...

Auditor General sets out key messages to all Welsh public bodies as they plan to manage the implications of Brexit

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Six steps to better scrutiny in Wales

A discussion paper and checklist has been launched to help improve the way decision-makers are held to account

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Inadequacies in governance and financial management at two c...

Reports in the public interest issued today (30 January 2019) by the Auditor General for Wales highlight long-standing shortfalls at two community councils

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NHS spending on agency staff has “increased markedly” in rec...

Consistent and comparable data needed, along with strong leadership to manage expenditure on temporary staff, says Auditor General

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Urgent improvements needed to internal audit arrangements at...

Auditor General uncovers “significant weaknesses” that need addressing

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Current standard of financial management “disappointing” at ...

Auditor General calls for urgent action, as the amount of money local councils manage continues to increase

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Discounted bus travel for young people

Auditor General examines Welsh Government’s ‘MyTravelPass’ scheme, with questions raised about value for money

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2018 in review

As we reflect on 2018, we’ve selected some of our highlights from the year. These include the things we’re proud to have delivered and some of the successes we’ve celebrated.

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