Recruitment Privacy Notice

This notice tells you about how Audit Wales will process your information when you apply for a job or make a recruitment enquiry. This includes your application form, information recorded by or about you during any assessment or interview and any pre- employment screening information. 

Who we are and what we do 

The Auditor General for Wales examines how public bodies manage and spend public money, and the Wales Audit Office provides the staff and resources to enable him to carry out his work. Further information is available on our website. 

The relevant laws 

We will process your personal data under data protection law, including the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation. The Wales Audit Office recruits employees to meet its legal duty under section 21 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act to provide staff and resources to enable the Auditor General to perform his functions, which are carried out under legislation in the public interest. 

Where we hold your information 

Your enquiry and any subsequent job application and any supporting documents provided are held in an online recruitment system which is provided and hosted by the Wales Audit Office. Applicants can log into the system to enter data and submit applications. Data entered for one application is available to an applicant to view and re- use for future applications. Information from assessments, interviews and pre- employment screening is held securely in our systems. 

What we will do with your information 

The information you provide will be shared with Human Resources and members of the selection panel for the purposes of dealing with the recruitment process. The selection panel may include external members such as a candidate management specialist. We may also share some information with your referees if we want to take up a reference. 
Otherwise we will not share your information further without informing you beforehand unless the disclosure is required by law or to protect your vital interests. We hold personal information about unsuccessful candidates for a maximum period of 2 years after the recruitment process has been completed, and it will then be destroyed or deleted. This information is used solely for monitoring purposes for statistical reports on our recruitment activities. Information about successful candidates will be transferred to their employee records and will be held in accordance with our Documents and Records Retention Policy. Some of our roles and/or work require a DBS check or higher level of security clearance. If this is the case then your data will be processed by the Disclosure and Barring Service and/or National Security Vetting Solutions in line with their privacy policies which are available at: and 

Sensitive Personal Information 

Where you provide sensitive personal information, such as information about your health, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability or other protected characteristic this will be used only for the purposes of making reasonable adjustments and to monitor compliance with equality legislation. This information will be held separately to your application, will not be circulated to those directly involved in the recruitment process and will not be used in the assessment of your suitability for the role. In limited circumstances, we may disclose your sensitive personal data to third parties, where there is a legitimate need or obligation or to protect your vital interests. 

Your Rights 

Under data protection law you have rights to ask for a copy of the current personal information held about you and to object to data processing that causes unwarranted and substantial damage and distress. To obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you or discuss any objections or concerns, please write to The Information Officer, Audit Wales, 1 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ or email You may also contact our Data Protection Officer at the same address. 

The Information Commissioner’s Office 

If you need further information about your rights under data protection law or want to complain about how we are handling your personal data, you may contact the Information Commissioner at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, or by email at or by telephone 01625 545745.