• Shared Learning Seminar
    Supporting people in their communities: Reducing unnecessary hospital admissions

    Following on from ‘I’m a patient get me out of here’ in March, this seminar is seeking to highlight innovative approaches where public services are delivering services that help prevent unnecessary hospital admissions.

About this event

Here is the reality… the NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours.*

There were 16.252m total hospital admissions in 2015/16, 28% more than a decade earlier (12.679m).

The UK population is projected to increase from an estimated 64.6 million in mid-2014 to 69.0 million by 2024 and 72.7 million by 2034, these numbers are likely to increase year on year.*

This is a huge demand on our health services and is not sustainable.

For many individuals the initial reason for attending often masks complex needs. For many, the accident and emergency (A&E) department is not the best place for them to be. This seminar is about starting a different conversation and thinking about what could be done differently to prevent the needs of individuals escalating to a point where A&E feels like the only option to them.

We recognise that one of the key success factors to achieving this is partnership working. This seminar will showcase positive partnership projects which have supported individuals in maintaining good health and preventing the need to be admitted.

*source: NHS Confederation [opens in new window]

Who the seminar is for?

This seminar is aimed at officers responsible for policy development, service design and service delivery from the following:

  • fire and rescue services
  • police forces
  • local authorities – social care or housing
  • Welsh Ambulance Service Trust
  • mental health organisations including charities
  • Welsh Council for Voluntary Action
  • health bodies including emergency departments
  • housing associations
  • community groups
  • residential care managers

Where and when

Tuesday 5 February 2019
Glamorgan Cricket Club, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Thursday 14 February 2019
Glasdir, Plas yn Dre, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0DF


To register for the seminar please complete our online booking form [opens in new window]. We have a delegate privacy notice [opens in new window], telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process.

Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 weeks before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

For further information on the event, please email good.practice@audit.wales


Further information about this event will be added soon