• Wales Audit Office Event
    Same Picture: Different Lenses

    Access all of the output materials from our recent conference for public service leaders and users.

About this event
This event provided a unique setting for key decision makers and service users to work together to explore solutions to some of the issues affecting successful delivery of public services in Wales. 
The guest speakers and interactive workshops focussed on 3 themes:

Theme 1: Listening

  • Keith Towler - Children’s Commissioner

Theme 2: Value

  • Huw Vaughan Thomas - Auditor General for Wales
  • Peter Davies - Commissioner for Sustainable Futures

Theme 3: Working together

  • Nick Bennett - Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
  • Meri Huws - Welsh Language Commissioner

Each theme was discussed in groups with guests acting as facilitators. Read the notes [PDF 98KB Opens in new window] captured from each discussion.

Download the presentation slides [PDF 2MB Opens in new window] or the visual minutes [PDF 2.2MB Opens in new window] from the day. You can also download the 'jargon-free' transcript [PDF 137KB Opens in new window] of the presentations.

Video footage

There are a number of videos available from the day which can be accessed in our Vimeo album [Opens in new window].


Our ‘Storify’ from the event captures all of the social media activity from the day, including all Twitter activity linked by the official hashtag #WAOconf14. Read the full ‘Storify' [Opens in new window].


Our Communications Officer Mark Woods blogged on the event [Opens in new window] and why ‘It’s good to talk!’.


View and share the photo’s captured from the day in our Flickr album [Opens in new window].
Additional materials, including the outputs from the table discussions will be published here in due course – follow us on Twitter [Opens in new window] to be kept up to date.
About this event
This event provided a unique setting for key decision makers and service users to work together to explore solutions to some of the issues affecting successful delivery of public services in Wales. 
The guest speakers and interactive workshops focussed on 3 themes:

Theme 1: Listening

  • Keith Towler - Children’s Commissioner

Theme 2: Value

  • Huw Vaughan Thomas - Auditor General for Wales
  • Peter Davies - Commissioner for Sustainable Futures

Theme 3: Working together

  • Nick Bennett - Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
  • Meri Huws - Welsh Language Commissioner

Each theme was discussed in groups with guests acting as facilitators. Read the notes [PDF 98KB Opens in new window] captured from each discussion.

Download the presentation slides [PDF 2MB Opens in new window] or the visual minutes [PDF 2.2MB Opens in new window] from the day. You can also download the 'jargon-free' transcript [PDF 137KB Opens in new window] of the presentations.

Video footage

There are a number of videos available from the day which can be accessed in our Vimeo album [Opens in new window].


Our ‘Storify’ from the event captures all of the social media activity from the day, including all Twitter activity linked by the official hashtag #WAOconf14. Read the full ‘Storify' [Opens in new window].


Our Communications Officer Mark Woods blogged on the event [Opens in new window] and why ‘It’s good to talk!’.


View and share the photo’s captured from the day in our Flickr album [Opens in new window].
Additional materials, including the outputs from the table discussions will be published here in due course – follow us on Twitter [Opens in new window] to be kept up to date.

Further information about this event will be added soon