Video transcription [Word 71KB Opens in new window]
Significant amounts of public money are spent by some charities to deliver services of a public service nature. Changing patterns of public service delivery indicate that this is likely to expand into areas where public sector bodies have previously operated. Regardless of the type of organisation delivering services, it is important to ensure that there is good value for the public pound.
Who the event was aimed at
The event was aimed at organisations that receive public money. It is recognised that charities that do not directly use public money have considerable experience and knowledge, which can be shared so as to improve the use of public money, and they were therefore also welcome to attend.
Specifically the event was aimed at trustees and chairs of:
- public sector organisations
- voluntary sector organisations
- social enterprises
- community businesses
- co-operatives
It consisted of a showcase plenary session on overcoming common issues and offered the choice of attending two of the following workshops:
- Protecting your charity [PDF 284KB Opens in new window] - Rosie Stokes, Charity Commission
- Having the right people around the table to lead your organisation [PDF 479KB Opens in new window] - Anna Bezodis, WCVA and Alex Swallow, Young Charity Trustees
- Potential new and alternative income sources [PDF 699KB Opens in new window] - Sara Powell-Davies, Renewable UK Cymru and Neil Lewis, Robert Owen Community Banking Fund