Shared Learning Webinar
Town Centre Regeneration – Elected Members' Webinar

Join us at 10:30AM on 10th December 2021 for a discussion on the challenges of regenerating town centres in Wales.

About this event

In September 2021, the Auditor General for Wales published his report on Town Centre Regeneration. Sitting alongside the report there is also a data tool and a self-evaluation tool.

The report makes recommendations for Welsh Government and local authorities and has created a lot of interest on the challenges facing communities across Wales and what needs to happen in the future.

The webinar is at 10:30AM on December 10th, 2021, and is open to all elected members but specifically those with a cabinet portfolio for regeneration and for elected members charged with scrutinising town centre regeneration. The webinar will provide you with:

  • the opportunity to hear from Audit Wales on their review and their findings;
  • information on what the Welsh Government has done in response to the report and what else it has planned; and
  • the chance to ask questions, meet other elected members online and share learning.

Join us at 10:30AM on 10th December 2021 for a discussion on the challenges of regenerating town centres in Wales.

Further information about this event will be added soon